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Physical Geography

Enrollment is Closed

Problem Statement

Why study physical geography? For many, there is a natural curiosity about how Earth processes work and how different landscapes formed. This is what physical geographers do: investigate natural patterns and processes.

Module Overview

In this Physical Geography course, students will learn about the different layers composing the Earth’s surface, looking into detail the atmosphere, weather, and climate; the Earth’s geologic structure and surface features – focusing upon landforms, soil, and ecological systems. We will examine the interactions between humans and our natural environment. For this, we will draw examples from North America, but we will also look globally. We will begin to understand concepts of balance and equilibrium in complex environmental systems that are subject to change over several time scales. Our focus will be geographical and spatial: where things are, why and how they got there, and how place and spatial relationships modify the landscapes that we observe on our planet.

Topics Covered

Topics include introductions to: Geography, the solid earth, the planet's energy, the atmosphere and the climate and weather patterns, the hydrosphere, the oceans and their water circulation, the biosphere and its biomes among others.


To complete this module successfully, students will need a computer with access to Internet.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn to read and interpret geographic data including maps, and other types of data describing important physical phenomena ocurring on the planet.

Course Authors

Course Staff Image #1

Hugo Gutierrez

Dr. Hugo Gutierrez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso.

hagutierrez "at"

Target Audience

This module is targeted toward lower and upper-division undergraduate students.

Tools Needed

To complete this module successfully, students will need a computer with access to Internet.

Expected Effort

48 hours.

  1. Course Export

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  2. Course Number

  3. Classes Start

    Fall 2024
  4. Classes End

  5. Estimated Effort
